Using Twitter to Expand Your Apartment’s Social Media Marketing Plan


Figuring out new ways to expand and invigorate your social media marketing plan can be difficult, but if you are struggling with your marketing, the best place to look toward is the mico-blogging site twitter.

According to a recent article by the Social Media Examiner, Twitter’s audience is expanding while other sites like Facebook have already experienced a growth plateau. Millennial’s, the much coveted 18- to 29-year age group continue to be the biggest users of the site, and even if your product is not catered toward them, it will be eventually as the demographic ages and matures.

The Social Media Examiner also states that according to studies Twitter is expected to expand at a 5 to 10 percent a rate until 2018, when the social media site will own a 24 percent share of all internet users. Facebook, itself is still a great marketing tool to use, as evidenced by its current 71 percent share of American users, but the new age of marketing is to stay current with rising trends and cater your plan to the social media sites that you demographic uses.

Twitter may not be as large as Facebook, but what is does have is a cool factor and the ability to grow over the coming years. Apartments should consider incorporating Twitter into their social media marketing plan to fully leverage social media marketing.

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apartment social media,twitter apartment marketing
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