The Best Social Media Platforms for Properties

Apartment Marketing,Apartment Reviews,Facebook,Facebook Marketing,Instagram,Multifamily Housing SEO,Social Media,Social Media for Apartments,Social SEO,Twitter

As a business, you are repeatedly told that social media is a great platform to engage with customers, clients, and residents! This fact is accurate, and we encourage our clients to interact and post across their platforms regularly. Now, as far as social media goes, it isn’t always best to equally distribute your efforts across all playing fields. Some platforms are better than others to get your message across, and other sites are merely outdated. Keep reading to discover the best social media platforms for your property. 



We love Facebook! Everyone loves this platform, from your residents and their kids to your grandma and grandpa. Facebook is simply a channel that most people utilize and check on the daily. Many websites such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and even Spotify connect to this site because of its popularity. Hop on the bandwagon and take advantage of this platform. You can create a business page for free where you can post updates, news, and specials or create ads that you can pay to run. This versatile platform allows you to connect with the people you need. You can even create events such as open houses, movie nights, or food truck days. The possibilities are endless with Facebook. 



Instagram is another great social media platform for properties like yours! This channel is very much image-based, so you will have to rely on your pictures to speak for themselves. Before getting started, we recommend that you have a professional photographer come in and take new photos of your community. Instagram tends to narrow down the age range and attract a younger audience, meaning your senior home posts should be targeted to your prospective residents’ kids rather than the residents themselves. Also, Instagram was previously purchased by Facebook, meaning that these two platforms work hand in hand. If you are automatically posting to Facebook, then you can easily duplicate the post to Instagram – the same goes for ads! 



Twitter has had its ups and downs, but it is ultimately one of the most reliable platforms to use. Unlike Facebook and Instagram, which have their issues with posting and shared data, Twitter just marches on. This particular platform is more verbiage based than Instagram and doesn’t allow for as many words as Facebook. Twitter is more for big announcements and quick quips. Consider utilizing this platform for things like current specials, big events, and community announcements. 


So now that you know which social media platforms are the best for your property, what are you waiting for? Start posting today, or call on our team at Apartment SEO to manage social for you. Have any questions? Share them with us in the comments below. 

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Apartment 101,Apartment Living,apartment marketing,social media,Social Media for Apartments
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