The Best Follow Up Practices

Apartment Marketing,Apartment Reviews,Apartment SEO®,Local Listing Management,Multifamily Housing SEO,Multifamily Marketing

After touring a prospective resident, you may feel confident that they intend to lease; however, hours may pass, and days may pass, and you never hear back from them. Rather than merely hoping they decide to rent with you, it’s essential to follow up with them and show that you are eager for them to make a decision. Keep reading to discover the best follow up practices to ensure that prospects make the right choice.


Follow Up Email – Same Day

When the prospect leaves, start drafting up an email. This message should contain everything you talked about, including move-in date, what size unit they were interested in, and the amenities they seemed particularly fond of. Most prospects will tour multiple communities on the same day and can easily get them all confused. This email will provide them with a hub for all the information that they need. It’s also a great idea to include pictures of the units and any special offers you are currently promoting. 


Follow Up Call – 3 Days Later

No one likes to be pestered with spam calls, but a follow-up call is a great way to remind prospects of your amazing community and answer any questions they may have. Don’t think of this call as a sales-pitch since you already did that at the tour, but rather consider it an opportunity to reconnect. Don’t pressure them into making a decision but simply encourage them to reach out if they have any questions and remind them of the application process should they choose to lease with you. 


Follow Up Email – 1 Week Later

If you still haven’t heard from them after a week, they probably chose to go in another direction, so don’t pester them with more phone calls. You can send them a final email with information, pictures, and your contact to remind them that by this time, the quote they received on the apartment is probably out of date and that they will need to call again for updated information. Remember to keep the prospect in the system for future reference should they decide to return in the future. 


After touring a prospect, be sure to practice standard follow-up protocol; this is a great way to remind prospects which apartment community is best for them and answer any questions they may have. Share any thoughts and queries in the comments below. 

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Apartment 101,Apartment Living,Follow Up
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