Google’s Helpful Content Update

Apartment SEO®

It’s official, Google’s Helpful Content Update is finally live and is Google’s way of focusing on people first content. When creating content or any type of digital experience, ask yourself these questions (especially when creating an apartment website):

  • Do you have an existing or intended audience for your business or a site that would find the content useful if it came directly to you? 
  • Does your content clearly demonstrate firsthand experience and in-depth knowledge of the expertise across your product service or even local area? 
  • Does your site have a primary focus or purpose? After reading your content, will someone leave feeling they’ve learned enough about the topic to achieve their goal? 
  • Will someone reading your content leave feeling like they had a satisfying experience? 
  • Are you building brand authority on Google’s business profile and other publishing platforms?

So, you cannot solely write for analytics based on Search Engine Optimization (SEO); your writing will now consist of publishing authority, an individual author, or an actual company. Whether you are publishing on Google Business Profile (GBP), which will be a publishing platform now, where communities will want to be pushing out content daily. Because that content will be stored and saved in GBP, more opportunities will be shown for different long-tail searches. 

By receiving more positive reviews on your GBP and providing responses, you will obtain more engagement on your GBP and eventually improve your local Google Map rankings. This will help give you more authority and overall presence on Google Maps. 

Avoid creating content for search engines first 

Here are more questions that you want to ask when creating content, according to Google and their new algorithm update:

  • Is the content primarily to attract people from search engines rather than made for humans? 
  • Are you producing lots of content on different topics in hopes that some of it might perform well in search results? 
  • Are you using extensive automation to produce content on many topics? 


If you create a website for your property and community in a specific area, you want to become a local authority. Whether you are in DTLA or Downtown Oakland, creating pages for different locations and areas is pivotal. You can build linkable assets, whether it is a local directory, an infographic, or a video template, that talks about your specific local area. This variety of content will help build your expertise at the individual and company level. 

For communities, it will be important to build your company’s brand beyond GBP. Nearly everyone will be on LinkedIn and other publishing platforms, such as WordPress. This is where you can build up your authority on the web as a publisher. Over time, this update will help your property rank higher on Google as you boost your brand and authorship authority in Google’s eyes.

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apartment seo,Google,Google Business Profile,Google Updates
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