Best Practices for Multifamily Social Media

Apartment Marketing,Facebook,Facebook Marketing,Multifamily Marketing,Social Media for Apartments

The technological and social landscape of the multifamily industry today not only requires the use of social media marketing, but makes it a quintessential part of any thriving community.  Knowing how to use this set of tools effectively will not only enable you to maximize the effectiveness of your posts but also communicate the desired information to clients with greater clarity. At times though, finding the right social media channels can prove difficult when it comes to communicating with residents. Proper use of each social platform and how users interact in these digital spaces can make or break your social media presence so it’s essential to be up to date with the best social practices.

Brand Building

Do you want your apartment complex to stand out from the competition? The easiest way to accomplish this is by creating a logo. Don’t just stop there; use your logo in conjunction with a tagline or slogan to create dynamic synergy. A logo acts as a face people can trust while the tagline or slogan make the brand memorable. Just remember: brand-building is essential for audience retention!

Relevant Content

What do your residents, prospects and social media users have in common? They want to be exposed to media that interests them! Using the 70/20/10 rule provides a perfect starting point for how to approach posts, devoting seventy percent to trending topics, twenty percent toward local community events, and only ten percent of that focus on self promotional materials. Sticking to this rule provides a useful guideline when posting and ensures that you are providing content that will have some interest or importance to your residents. Posting vibrant photos, interesting content and showcasing what makes your community’s neighborhood special will definitely capture the audience you are targeting.

Targeted Social Ads

A social ad is only useful if it’s being seen by the right people. An advertisement for a community in Alaska won’t have any impact if the majority of the people viewing it live in Florida. Correctly targeting your social media ads yields a hugely positive impact on the efficacy and reach of your message. Pumping money into an ad is not enough. Factors to consider when advertising include placement, location, and timing. Having a multifamily ad strategy is essential if you want to create an impactful ad that will give you a great ROI! Pulling relevant statistics from your website and social platforms will dictate the perimeters of your ad and should always be considered.

Community Contests

The words “free” and “prize” tend to grab most people’s attention. Hosting community events not only establishes a scenario in which residents interact with your brand and each other, it establishes a sense of community! This interaction raises the level of engagement at your community, encourages residents to leave positive reviews and builds a genuine level of excitement that will be shared socially from your residents. Needless to say, word-of-mouth is the most-trusted form of advertising.

Expanding and improving your presence with social media may seem like a daunting task. With ApartmentSEO as your trusted social media marketing partner, you can rest easy in knowing that your apartment community is being represented in the most effective way possible.

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MultiFamily,multifamily marketing,Multifamily social media,Social Media Marketing,Social media practices,social media tips
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