Multifamily Trends of the Month

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As we enter a new month with endless possibilities, it’s an important time to consider the upcoming multifamily trends. As we have learned this year, it’s hard to predict where our industry, let alone our world will go. Although we can’t see the future, it’s essential to start planning ahead and keeping an eye on trends that can affect your business and property. Keep reading to discover some foreseeable trends in the multifamily industry.


The Reopening of Amenities

As restrictions are being lifted, you are probably considering reopening your amenities or at least trying to figure out how you can go about doing so. For many properties across the country, managers are finding ways to reopen their property while maintaining social distance and maintaining CDC guidelines. Now is a great time to talk with other leaders in your industry and see what advice you can exchange; this is new territory for everyone, so don’t be alarmed if you are one of the last to reopen as safety should be a priority. 


Pet-Friendly Priorities

Over the last few months, people have bonded with their pets like never before after staying home. Pets are a part of the family, and the bond between owner and pet is stronger than ever. The more you can do to exemplify what it means to be a pet-friendly community, the better. Remember, pets are residents too! 


The Necessity of Office Space

After working remotely for months, companies are discovering that their employees are working well from home and will continue to allow them to do so. For this reason and due to the increase in telecommuting, office space is more essential than ever before. Make sure your business center is up and running with reliable wifi and printers to help your residents love where they live and work. 


Remember, keeping up with multifamily trends is a great way to stay ahead of the curve. Know of any other vital information to help your fellow property managers? Share it with us in the comments below. 

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Apartment 101,Apartment Living,Multifamily Housing,Multifamily Trends
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