Employee Experience as a Selling Point

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When it comes to leasing apartments in your multifamily community, you know just how important it is to have an experienced staff getting the job done! From a property manager’s point of view, experience is everything, but from a resident perspective, they might not know what it means to have an experienced staff or how it can elevate their living experience. Keep reading to find out how you can use employee experience as a selling point. 


Social Media Shoutouts

Make it a point to give a shoutout to members of your staff via social media on a weekly basis. Within the post, mention their experience and how it can benefit the residents. Followers will be happy to see that you recognize your staff, as well as hire knowledgeable leasing agents. When residents see that the team has been with the company or industry for a significant period, they will feel comfortable that their issues are being addressed in a timely and suitable manner. 


Name Tags With Experience

Next time you reorder name tags for your on-site staff, consider adding their time with the company below their name. As soon as prospects come into the office, they will know that they are working with an experienced team. If you have someone who is new, the prospective resident might be more understanding of any questions that they are unable to answer or hiccups on the tour. 


Email Signatures

A great way to exemplify expertise and pride in the industry is to add experience to the signature lines of emails. This will add a flair of professionalism as well as remind people that your team knows what they are doing. Don’t be afraid to brag; your experience has earned you the right to do just that! 


Experience is something that must be earned, and if you and your team have it, show it off! Residents will be happy to know that they are in good hands and your team will be happy to show off and take pride in their years in the industry. Do you have any questions about utilizing employee experience as a selling point? Ask away in the comments below. 


Tags :
Apartment 101,Apartment Living,Employee Experience,Multifamily Housing
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