With so much importance being focused on online marketing these days, don’t forget to place some emphasis on your curb appeal! Even though your website will surely make a great first impression, the appearance of your community can ultimately make or break the deal. Keep reading for some tips and tricks to help you amp up your curb appeal.
Clean and Clear Signage
When prospects drive by your community, it’s important for them to know they have arrived. Take the time to look over your sign and see if it is clear and promotes the right message. As the first representation of your property, this sign should match your brand and have up to date phone numbers and website information. If it doesn’t, it might be time to purchase a new one. Although this will be a bit of a financial investment upfront, the payoff will be worthwhile.
Bright Lights
As a property manager, you are most likely only at your community during the day when things are bright. Many prospects will drive by in the evening after work and have a completely different view of the property. Things like burned-out lightbulbs or flickering lights can turn people away and make them question the overall maintenance of this community. Take the time to make sure your community is attractive day and night.
Add Greenery
Some plants and greenery can go a long way in boosting your curb appeal! Prospects love picturing themselves in your community, and some trees and beautiful flowers will make their imagination picturesque. If your community is in a dryer area, you can invest in some succulents and drought-proof plants. If you can keep plants alive, prospects will be confident in your ability to keep the community alive.
So, while our team at Apartment SEO does the work to make your website top-notch, do your part to make your community a better place. With the aforementioned tips, you can ensure that your first impression is a great one. Do you have any questions about curb appeal? Share them with us in the comments below.