Across the multifamily housing world, we are noticing a trend of more community gardens, and we love it; this is a wonderful addition to any building, and we highly recommend implementing one in your own community, even if it is in a smaller space. Keep reading to find out what makes them a great addition to any site.
Peace and Relaxation
Gardening is known to bring about peace and relaxation. When you build a community garden, your residents can water some plants to help relieve stress instead of turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms. After the installment of the garden, you will most likely see an overall improvement in the mood and temperament of your residents. Even if they are not taking part in the physical act of gardening, they will enjoy sitting near the greenery or walking through it. Plantlife brings about great energy and can significantly improve mental health, especially if the garden is visible from apartment windows.
Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables
When fruits and vegetables are more readily available to residents, they will be more likely to eat them. There is nothing better than eating a fresh veggie that you have spent months tending to. Building a shared garden shows your residents that you care about their health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally.
Community Strengthening
While there are plenty of opportunities around the community for residents to meet and interact, this garden will strengthen your neighborhood by offering a common goal. With the residents working together and watching their hard work pay off, they will all become closer and develop great neighborly relationships.
While there are many benefits to building a community garden, we love that they offer peace and relaxation, access to fruits and veggies, and strengthen the bond among residents. Do you have any questions about starting one in your multifamily community? Ask away in the comments below!